"ERA" Sp. z o.o.

neutralizacja, odpylanie, filtracja

Filtry Workowe

  The company has been operating on the Polish market of products related to environmental protection since October 1989. Itsmainarea of activity comprises all complex dedusting installations.
 The company employs approximately 40 people, among them employees with very high qualificationslikeconstructors, designers, welders, plumbers etc.

Members of the board: 

M. Sc. Adam Jakubowski - Chief Executive Officer 

Dariusz Sendera – Production Supervisor - Member of the Management Board 

M. Sc. Jerzy Fajkiel - Vice-President

"ERA" has a number of permanent representatives with assembling groups in many regions of Poland which ensures lower assembly costs, constant client service and technical support. 

Lowfailurerates of ourinstallations and application of testedtechnicalsolutionsallowus to include in our offer dedusting bag filters whose effective operation has been proven by tests and which are optimal with regards to compressed air consumption. The regeneration efficiency tests have been conducted by the Warsaw Polytechnic University.